Online iFLOWS Demonstration Workshops, 23 January, 2024

Online iFLOWS Demonstration Workshops, 23 January, 2024

📣 Stay tuned for tomorrow’s online iFLOWS Demonstration Workshops!


Morning sessions will kick off with a general introduction to the iFLOWS project, followed by a presentation on the system’s overall architecture. Next, attention will be directed towards outlining the functionalities of each technical module and how they integrate into the iFLOWS architecture. 💡

We are excited to welcome members of the Advisory Board and the PARSEC project to join us.


In the afternoon, exclusive presentations and demos will showcase our current capabilities and upcoming milestones. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate what is possible and what we anticipate achieving in the coming months.


Stay tuned for updates from the event! 🔗


#iFLOWSproject #DemonstrationWorkshops #TechnologyInnovation #PARSECproject

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